KUALA LUMPUR, 28 OCTOBER 2015 – The Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) itself underwent a transitions with the newly elected Board of Councillors at the 15th CFM Annual General Meeting held at Menara Kuala Lumpur. At today’s 15th Annual General Meeting, outgoing Board of Councillors Chairperson DR Elistina Abu Bakar welcomed incoming new Chairperson, and new board of councilors’s members.

“CFM has seen an increase in the number of complaints year on year. As of September 2015, a total of 5,233 complaints were lodged with CFM, showing an increase compared to September 2014; 5,043 complaints and 6,904 complaints in total for the year of 2014. CFM ensures that consumers are not short – changed by continuously monitoring the service delivery of the Service Providers and addressing any breaches of The General Consumer Code of Practice for the Communications and Multimedia Industry Malaysia (GCC) by them”, said DR Elistina Abu Bakar.

Complaints about Poor Service and Coverage as well as Billing and Charging made up 80.7 per cent of all the complaints recorded from July to September 2015 for Quarter 3 this this year. It is also interesting to note that CFM observed as for Q3 this year, 47 per cent of complaint concerning Cellular Phone services with 2,471 complaints, followed by Wired Broadband services and Wireless Broadband services with 1,205 and 680 complaints respectively.

In the fast – paced environment, wasting time is robbing oneself. To ensure the process of complaints are resolved within the GCC guidelines, CFM managed to settle 97.73 per cent complaints within less than 15 days and managed to resolved remaining complaints in less than 30 days in September 2015. CFM also notes consumers prefer to lodge their complaint through our complaint portal, www.complaint.cfm.org.my with 3,318 complaints as for September 2015.

At the AGM, The Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) discussed were:

  1. Approved and adopted the annual report 2014;
  2. Appointed 13 council members representing the Communications and Multimedia industry; Service Providers and Consumer Associations;
  3. Resolution to amend the CFM Constitution;
  4. Resolution on inclusion of Postal Forum into CFM operations

On 1 November 2001, the Postal Industry came under the purview of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), under the Postal Services Act 1991, empowering the Commission to take over as the regulatory body of the Postal Industry. Currently the rights of consumers for Postal and Courier Services in Malaysia are being protected by MCMC. The CFM members also discussed the possibility of CFM undertaking the management of consumer issues in the Postal and Courier Services including complaints management as well as consumer awareness.

Among CFM’s priorities for the year of 2015/2016 include national recognition as the main advocator of communications and multimedia consumer while being the main platform for industry self-regulation. The review of General Consumer Code of Practice for the Communications and Multimedia Industry Malaysia will also be one of the main expected outcomes for this year.

GCC is a code of practice for all Communications and Multimedia Service Providers in Malaysia with the objective of providing benchmarks and best practices to ensure fair and finest services are delivered to the consumers.

Recently, CFM revealed its new logo and mascot as part of its transformation to better protect the rights of the consumers in Communications and Multimedia industry. Both CFM’s new logo and mascot represents the continuous involvement that takes place to ensure a more relevant and meaningful engagement with all stakeholders in this sector.

The Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia is located at Wisma Straits Trading Building, Lebuh Pasar Besar, Kuala Lumpur next to two of Kuala Lumpur’s famous landmarks the Sultan Abdul Samad building and Dataran Merdeka.

About CFM

The Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) was established and designated by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in 2001. It is a platform for the industry and the consumers/public to make coherent and constructive contributions to service improvements and policy development.

CFM is tasked with, amongst others, to promote the growth of Malaysia’s communications and multimedia industry and the protection of consumer interests by fostering the highest standards of business ethics and behaviour through industry self-governance. CFM is also a channel for complaints redress on Communications and Multimedia services.

If you have unresolved complaints about your Communication and Multimedia services, please lodge your complaint by visiting CFM’s complaint portal, www.complaint.cfm.org.my or call our toll-free number 1-800-18-222. For more information, visit CFM’s website at www.cfm.org.my or write in to [email protected].

Media Contacts:

Noor Shahdiella Abd Manan [email protected] 019-3246036
Roharrashidah Abdul Halil [email protected] 016-9642972
Razaleigh Zain [email protected] 019-4170766