KUALA LUMPUR, 28 DECEMBER 2015 – In line with the Government’s announcement during Budget 2016 in October, telecommunication companies will give rebates to individual prepaid customers who are Malaysian nationals, for one year throughout 2016. The rebate equivalent to the GST amount will be credited directly to their prepaid accounts, effective 1 January 2016 until 31 December 2016.

This means a customer who tops up RM10, will initially get an airtime of RM9.43 as the 6% GST will be deducted from the top-up. The customer will receive a rebate of RM0.57 within 24 hours. The GST paid by customers will be collected and remitted to Customs, in accordance with the GST Law and guidelines for all goods and services consumed.

Telcos have worked hard to ensure that there will be a smooth transition so that customers will have a seamless experience when topping up. Telcos have also been continuously investing in modernising the country’s network to ensure quality customer experience.

FAQ on GST rebates is available on Communication & Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) website at http://cfm.org.my/news-events/20151228/faq-mechanism-for-gst-implementat… for public reference.


About CFM
The Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) was established and designated by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in 2001. It is a platform for the industry and the consumers/public to make coherent and constructive contributions to service improvements and policy development.

CFM is tasked with, amongst others, to promote the growth of Malaysia’s communications and multimedia industry and the protection of consumer interests by fostering the highest standards of business ethics and behaviour through industry self-governance. CFM is also a channel for complaints redress on Communications and Multimedia services.

If you have unresolved complaints about your Communications and Multimedia services, please lodge your complaint by visiting CFM’s complaint portal,www.complaint.cfm.org.my or call our toll-free number 1-800-18-2222. For more information, visit CFM’s website at www.cfm.my or write in to [email protected].

Media Contacts:

Noor Shahdiella Abd Manan [email protected] 019-3246036
Roharrashidah Abdul Halil [email protected] 016-9642972
Razaleigh Zain [email protected] 019-4170766