According to complaints received by CFM, some consumers did not even know that the voicemail service for their number is activated or bundled together with their telco packages. Other consumers have requested their service providers to deactivate the service but to no avail. As a result, callers to their number will be charged, causing unexpected expenses.
There are also cases where consumers have been charged for voicemail roaming services fee when they go overseas. So far, CFM has received 30 complaints regarding voicemail services since 2012 until 2017. Although the numbers are relatively small, consumers should be aware of their rights. In light of such cases, it’s important to gain the right and accurate information to avoid money unnecessary spending.
Voicemail is an additional service which is chargeable when delivering recorded voice messages. It is a value added service to Telco prepaid and postpaid users. Some functions of the Voicemail service are:
- Missed Call Notification
- Voicemail Outcall and Return Call via Voicemail
- Personalized Greeting
- Voice Recorder
Voicemail services are available to all postpaid and prepaid users and the retrieval charge may vary from one service provider to another. It is usually activated by default upon subscribing. You can deactivate/activate the voicemail service using the phone’s self-help system or call the service provider’s customer service to seek assistance.
To get the best out of the money you spend, here are some tips pertaining to voicemail service:
1 | Check if your telco plan is bundled up with the voicemail service. |
2 | Ask your service provider about the charges incurred from the voicemail services, as well as the voicemail roaming services fee. |
3 | If you plan to go overseas, request for deactivation of voicemail service at least 14 days before you depart. |
4 | Do a testing on your phone to ensure that the voicemail has been deactivated. |
You can also unsubscribe the voicemail service by following this method:
Service Provider | Voicemail | Info for Consumers |
Celcom (Prepaid &Postpaid) |
1111 |
Yes |
(Prepaid &Postpaid) |
Contact PP & PPO |
No |
Digi (Prepaid &Postpaid) |
Contact CS MyDigi USSD: *128# |
Yes |
U Mobile (Prepaid &Postpaid) |
Contact PP |
Yes |
Webe |
No Voicemail Service |
RedOne |
Contact PP |
No |
Altel |
Contact PP |
No |
Contact PP |
No |
TuneTalk |
Contact PP USSD: *111# |
Yes |
**The method to unsubscribe from Voicemail Services is current at time of publish
*CS – Customer Service
OCS – Online Customer Service
#YourRightsOurPriority #GetSmarterWithConsumerinfo #ICYMI
Sumber : SHOUT Q3, 2017, #CFMarticle #CFMmalaysia #CFMshout2017 #voicemail
According to complaints received by CFM, some consumers did not even know that the voicemail service for their number is activated or bundled together with their telco packages. Other consumers have requested their service providers to deactivate the service but to no avail. As a result, callers to their number will be charged, causing unexpected expenses.
There are also cases where consumers have been charged for voicemail roaming services fee when they go overseas. So far, CFM has received 30 complaints regarding voicemail services since 2012 until 2017. Although the numbers are relatively small, consumers should be aware of their rights. In light of such cases, it’s important to gain the right and accurate information to avoid money unnecessary spending.
Voicemail is an additional service which is chargeable when delivering recorded voice messages. It is a value added service to Telco prepaid and postpaid users. Some functions of the Voicemail service are:
- Missed Call Notification
- Voicemail Outcall and Return Call via Voicemail
- Personalized Greeting
- Voice Recorder
Voicemail services are available to all postpaid and prepaid users and the retrieval charge may vary from one service provider to another. It is usually activated by default upon subscribing. You can deactivate/activate the voicemail service using the phone’s self-help system or call the service provider’s customer service to seek assistance.
To get the best out of the money you spend, here are some tips pertaining to voicemail service:
1 | Check if your telco plan is bundled up with the voicemail service. |
2 | Ask your service provider about the charges incurred from the voicemail services, as well as the voicemail roaming services fee. |
3 | If you plan to go overseas, request for deactivation of voicemail service at least 14 days before you depart. |
4 | Do a testing on your phone to ensure that the voicemail has been deactivated. |
You can also unsubscribe the voicemail service by following this method:
Service Provider | Voicemail | Info for Consumers |
Celcom (Prepaid &Postpaid) |
1111 |
Yes |
(Prepaid &Postpaid) |
Contact PP & PPO |
No |
Digi (Prepaid &Postpaid) |
Contact CS MyDigi USSD: *128# |
Yes |
U Mobile (Prepaid &Postpaid) |
Contact PP |
Yes |
Webe |
No Voicemail Service |
RedOne |
Contact PP |
No |
Altel |
Contact PP |
No |
Contact PP |
No |
TuneTalk |
Contact PP USSD: *111# |
Yes |
**The method to unsubscribe from Voicemail Services is current at time of publish
*CS – Customer Service
OCS – Online Customer Service
#YourRightsOurPriority #GetSmarterWithConsumerinfo #ICYMI
Sumber : SHOUT Q3, 2017, #CFMarticle #CFMmalaysia #CFMshout2017 #voicemail
According to complaints received by CFM, some consumers did not even know that the voicemail service for their number is activated or bundled together with their telco packages. Other consumers have requested their service providers to deactivate the service but to no avail. As a result, callers to their number will be charged, causing unexpected expenses.
There are also cases where consumers have been charged for voicemail roaming services fee when they go overseas. So far, CFM has received 30 complaints regarding voicemail services since 2012 until 2017. Although the numbers are relatively small, consumers should be aware of their rights. In light of such cases, it’s important to gain the right and accurate information to avoid money unnecessary spending.
Voicemail is an additional service which is chargeable when delivering recorded voice messages. It is a value added service to Telco prepaid and postpaid users. Some functions of the Voicemail service are:
- Missed Call Notification
- Voicemail Outcall and Return Call via Voicemail
- Personalized Greeting
- Voice Recorder
Voicemail services are available to all postpaid and prepaid users and the retrieval charge may vary from one service provider to another. It is usually activated by default upon subscribing. You can deactivate/activate the voicemail service using the phone’s self-help system or call the service provider’s customer service to seek assistance.
To get the best out of the money you spend, here are some tips pertaining to voicemail service:
1 | Check if your telco plan is bundled up with the voicemail service. |
2 | Ask your service provider about the charges incurred from the voicemail services, as well as the voicemail roaming services fee. |
3 | If you plan to go overseas, request for deactivation of voicemail service at least 14 days before you depart. |
4 | Do a testing on your phone to ensure that the voicemail has been deactivated. |
You can also unsubscribe the voicemail service by following this method:
Service Provider | Voicemail | Info for Consumers |
Celcom (Prepaid &Postpaid) |
1111 |
Yes |
(Prepaid &Postpaid) |
Contact PP & PPO |
No |
Digi (Prepaid &Postpaid) |
Contact CS MyDigi USSD: *128# |
Yes |
U Mobile (Prepaid &Postpaid) |
Contact PP |
Yes |
Webe |
No Voicemail Service |
RedOne |
Contact PP |
No |
Altel |
Contact PP |
No |
Contact PP |
No |
TuneTalk |
Contact PP USSD: *111# |
Yes |
**The method to unsubscribe from Voicemail Services is current at time of publish
*CS – Customer Service
OCS – Online Customer Service
#GetSmarterWithConsumerinfo #ICYMI
Sumber : SHOUT Q3, 2017, #CFMarticle #CFMmalaysia #CFMshout2017 #voicemail