20 MAR 2015, BY


KOTA KINABALU, 20 MARCH 2015 – The Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) hosted an Industry Knowledge Sharing Session (KSS) at the Grand Borneo Hotel, Kota Kinabalu. The aim of this programme is to increase consumer awareness in communications and multimedia related issues.

In this Industry Knowledge Sharing Session, CFM was discussing on topics and issues related to telecommunications and multimedia industry in Malaysia by speakers such as the CFM’s Director, Mr Izham Khairuddin and Telco representatives in Malaysia; Tune Talk, Mr Chong Vun Cheung and Altel Communications, Mr Azizan Afandi.

Through this programme, it is expected that the participants will increase their awareness on and knowledge of their rights and responsibilities in relation to their telecommunications services subscription.

CFM received a total of 6,904 complaints from January 2014 to December 2014. This is an increase of 10% from the year 2013. Service quality was the top for the year 2014 followed by other cases such as bill and charge, SMS and unfair practice.

To avoid such problems, CFM encourages consumers to get the necessary information regarding the services that they wish to subscribe before signing the dotted line.

CFM’s main objective for organizing the Industry Knowledge Sharing Session is to share among the participants the industrial issues such as dropped calls, high international roaming charges, unsolicited SMS, false registration and poor services.


About CFM

The Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) was established and designated by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in 2001. It is a platform for the industry and the consumers/public to make coherent and constructive contributions to service improvements and policy development.

CFM is tasked with, amongst others, to promote growth of Malaysia’s communications and multimedia industry and the protection of consumer interests by fostering the highest standards of business ethics and behaviour through industry self-governance. CFM is also a channel for complaints redress on Communication and Multimedia services.

If you have unresolved complaints about your Communication and Multimedia services, please lodge your complaint by calling CFM’s toll free number 1-800-18-222 or visit CFM’s website at or write in to [email protected].

Media Contacts:

Noor Shahdiella Abd Manan [email protected] 019-3246036019-3246036
Roharrashidah Abdul Halil [email protected] 016-9642972016-9642972
Razaleigh Zain [email protected] 019-4170766019-4170766