“Do you feel secure with your parcel delivery?”
“Can you claim compensation if you received the parcel late?”
“What if the parcels are lost or damaged?”
“If you want to send a valuable item, how do you want to be sure about its safety?”
We often are frustrated by uncontrollable situations and keep blaming others where in fact, we could avoid those or the least, reduce the consequences of the outcome. Before you send off your parcel, you should have learned the Terms & Conditions provided by the courier provider. The preventive measure always comes from the consumer side.
As a smart consumer, you should know the importance of knowing the Terms and Conditions. You would not know until you experienced a kind of unfavorable situation where your long-awaited valuable parcel is suddenly reported missing, or when you finally received it, it is broken.
As such, in the very first place, you should know the key matters covered in the Terms and Conditions of every courier provider.
1. Lost
Once the courier provider has provided the proof of delivery to the consumer, their job is considered done. Always confirm with the courier provider the whereabouts of the parcels, whether it is really your premise or your acquaintance that receiving them on your behalf.
On the other note, how much is the compensation for the lost parcel? Is it the same as the value of the missing item inside the parcel? One answer for sure, it will not be the same. If your parcel is valued at more than thousands, do not be surprised that the courier provider may only compensate you with just a hundred bucks. However, if you would like to get a reasonable compensation on par with the value of the item, always declare the value of the item and opt for extended protection, also known as insurance.
2. Liability Limit
3. Extended protection (insurance)
4. Late delivery
Apart from that, you can also take note of the types of delivery services the courier provider serves. If you urgently need or send your parcel quickly, always opt for the courier provider that offers express service. Pricier, but faster.
5. Guaranteed and non-guaranteed
A guaranteed service is a kind of promise from the courier provider in their service offerings with an added value where the consumers need to pay differently from the non-guaranteed service or also known as the standard service with a standard rate. For every guaranteed service, there will be compensation offered if the courier provider failed to meet the expectation, hence, please check with your courier provider respectively.
6. Prohibited items or dangerous goods
7. Damages
As the consumer, you should have known by now that every courier delivery service offered by the courier provider has some general guidelines of which not many of us are aware of. Before we argue for some invalid reasons and eventually disappointed and upset, check the facts and be responsible for your parcel as the safety assurance is by your choice.
About Postal Forum:
Postal Forum is a self-regulatory body designated by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) under Sections 49 and 50 of the Postal Services Act 2012 to give feedback and make recommendations to the MCMC on any matters concerning the interest of consumers of the postal and courier services industry. Amongst our functions are to identify and keep under review matters affecting the consumers, represent consumers’ interests including complaints handling, and promote consumers’ interest in relation to the tariffs and standards of the postal and courier industry.