IPOH, 22 MARCH 2017 – In conjunction with the World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) 2017, the Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) takes another step towards building an empowered consumer with the organization of the 6th edition of its Industry Knowledge Sharing Session (KSS) 2017 today.

Out of 7,556 complaints recorded by CFM for the whole of 2016, 202 of them were from the state of Perak. Having resolved 99% of those complaints, CFM is striving to reduce some of the common complaints by enhancing the complaints resolution management, as well as by enhancing the knowledge and awareness of the general public on what it means to be a smart consumer.

“The Industry Knowledge Sharing Session (KSS) gives CFM a platform to educate consumers throughout Malaysia on ways to protect their rights, especially in Communications and Multimedia services in Malaysia. KSS has helped CFM to raise awareness on consumer rights, as well as to understand consumers’ inconveniences throughout the nation,” said Director of CFM, Ahmad Izham Khairuddin.

In sync with WCRD 2017 theme of “Building a Digital World Consumer Can Trust”, CFM’s approach to provide a user – friendly platform for consumers to lodge complaints and at the same time encourage the consumers to make the right decisions by being better informed and more knowledgeable of the digital world.

The introduction on MYMobileRights (MMR) in April 2016 as Malaysia’s first one – stop Complaint Submission mobile application has created a digital platform for consumers to lodge their complaints on Communications and Multimedia services in Malaysia directly from their smart phone. CFM MYMobileRights (MMR) mobile application is made available for consumers to download from the Google Play Store.

CFM will continue to help resolve issues that affect the communications and multimedia services consumers in Malaysia and strives to ensure transparency in the handling of complaints while continuously to monitoring the service delivery of the Service Providers.

Ahmad Izham added CFM advises all consumers to not take matters into their own hands if they are not happy with their service provider. CFM has shown that it is able to help resolve any issues that consumers might have with their communications and multimedia services.

In this Industry Knowledge Session Perak Edition, CFM deliberated on topics and issues related to consumers of communications and multimedia services in Malaysia. With the support from Malaysian Communications Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and Ministry of Domestic Trade Co-operatives and Consumerism Perak, it is expected that the participants will increase their awareness and knowledge on their rights and responsibilities in relation to their communications and multimedia subscriptions

CFM is mandated by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to provide avenues for lodging complaints relating to consumer matters as well as to facilitate the resolution of such complaints. CFM advices the consumers to understand the process of lodging complaints and to use the right channels to solve any issues with their respective service providers. CFM offers various complaints channels for the public to seek redress to their unresolved complaints with Service Providers as well as to recommend resolutions to such issues.


Information and steps how to lodge a complaint on Communications and Multimedia services:

1.       If there is any problem with communications and multimedia services in Malaysia, please contact respective service providers (SP) for resolution.

·         SP will provide complaint reference number together with the timeframe for them to resolve the issue.

2.       If the issue is not resolved, consumers are advised to lodge a complaint with CFM through channels provided.
3.       CFM offers several complaint channels for the public to seek redress to their unresolved complaints with the SPs. Here are some tips:

Complaint Online Portal (CoP): Consumers will receive notification together with complaint reference number once they have submitted the complaint via portal page.

Hotline: Consumers need to provide complaint reference number from the SP during the first level complaint.

MY Mobile Rights: Consumers will receive a copy of their complaints together with reference number via email.

Walk – In: Consumers will receive the main copy of the complaint form and within one (1) working day, they will receive an email notification together with reference number.

Email: Consumers will receive an acceptance email notification from CFM and the complaint will be validated within one (1) working day.

4.       Cases that are still unresolved by CFM within the timeframe for resolution in GCC will be brought to the council for deliberation. Moving it forward, these cases will then be brought to relevant parties such as MCMC for resolution.
COMPLAINT ONLINE PORTAL (COP) www.complaint.cfm.org.my
CONSUMER HOTLINE 1 – 800 – 18 – 2222
EMAIL [email protected]



About CFM

The Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) was established and designated by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) as one of the industry forums under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998. It is a platform for the industry and the consumers/public to make coherent and constructive contributions to service improvements and policy development.

CFM is tasked with, amongst others, to promote growth of Malaysia’s communications and multimedia industry and the protection of consumer interests by fostering the highest standards of business ethics and behaviour through industry self-governance. CFM’s primary function is to serve as a channel for complaints redress on Communication and Multimedia services.

If you have unresolved complaints about your Communication and Multimedia services, please lodge your complaint by visiting CFM’s complaint portal, www.complaint.cfm.org.my or call our toll-free number 1-800-18-222. For more information, visit CFM’s website at www.cfm.org.my or write in to [email protected].


Media Contacts:

Noor Shahdiella Abd Manan                                   [email protected]                               019-3246036

Razaleigh Zain                                                        [email protected]                                 019-4170766

Roharrashidah Abdul Halil                                     [email protected]                         017-8961588