KUALA LUMPUR, 15 MAY 2015 – In conjunction with the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2015 (WTISD), the Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) is introducing a new mobile application for all telecommunication and multimedia consumers in Malaysia called CFM MY Mobile Rights App.

The new CFM MY Mobile Rights App will be available for consumers to download from the Google Play Store and the App Store at the end of June 2015. The main objective of the app is to empower Malaysian consumers with;

  1. Latest plan recommender on mobile & broadband services.
  2. Provide Service Providers outlet locator.
  3. First layer platform to lodge consumers’ complaint to service providers.
  4. Provide tips & guides to be a smart consumer.

The telecommunications and multimedia industry in Malaysia has seen rapid growth in recent years and CFM expects that the CFM MY Mobile Rights app will act as an additional but important platform for consumers to easily interact with us by accessing the various services at the tip of their fingers.

As mobile applications become a more important part of our lives, the introduction of CFM MY Mobile Rights is an innovation to the way CFM interacts with the public and also helps to enhance consumers’ knowledge on the services in the telecommunications and multimedia industry. Prior to this, the empowerment of consumers are through CFM Complaints Online Portal (COP) as well as through CFM Consumer Info Portal, but now consumers will have access to these services via mobile application.

“CFM received a total of 6,904 complaints from January 2014 to December 2014. This is an increase of 10% from the year 2013. Service quality was the top complaint category for the year 2014 followed by other cases such as bill and charge, SMS and unfair practice. With the launch of CFM MY Mobile Rights together with the existence of the Complaint Online Portal (COP) and Consumer Info Portal, we are ensuring that issues involving consumers are being given necessary attention.” said DR. Elistina Abu Bakar, Chairman of CFM.

To date, we have received a total of 2,123 complaints from January 2015 to April 2015.

World Telecommunications and Information Society Day (WTISD) has been celebrated annually since 17 May 1969. In conjunction with celebrating the 46th anniversary of WTISD, CFM hope this initiative will help the landscape of telecommunication and multimedia in Malaysia to stand with pride in the eyes of the world.


About CFM

The Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) was established and designated by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in 2001. It is a platform for the industry and the consumers/public to make coherent and constructive contributions to service improvements and policy development.

CFM is tasked with, amongst others, to promote growth of Malaysia’s communications and multimedia industry and the protection of consumer interests by fostering the highest standards of business ethics and behaviour through industry self-governance. CFM is also a channel for complaints redress on Communication and Multimedia services.

If you have unresolved complaints about your Communication and Multimedia services, please lodge your complaint by calling CFM’s toll free number 1-800-18-222 or visit CFM’s website at www.cfm.org.my or write in to [email protected].

Media Contacts:

Noor Shahdiella Abd Manan [email protected] 019-3246036
Roharrashidah Abdul Halil [email protected] 016-9642972
Razaleigh Zain [email protected] 019-4170766